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Skin Condition

Updated: Feb 21

The skin is the largest organ that covers and protects your body,

and has many functions. Skin diseases include all conditions that clog, irritate or inflame your skin. Often, skin diseases cause rashes, inflammation, itchiness or other skin changes. The symptoms vary significantly, depending on what condition you have. Skin changes are not always due to skin diseases, certain lifestyle factors can also lead to the development of a skin disease. For example, conditions that affect your thyroid,

kidneys or immune system can also have a psychological cause.

My skin condition was the reason why I started looking for alternative solutions besides the conventional medicine. The pictures show my skin condition 4 years ago when my face was covered in burning rashes compared to how my skin looks today. When I look at the pictures today, I can see the mental and physical pain I felt at the time. The old version of myself from 4 years ago was depleted and didn't have enough life-force energy/prana in the body.

During this time, I visited many doctors and tried different things, but instead of solving the problem, my skin condition got worse. The dryness and pain started inside and around my eyes and got significantly worse. Applying cortisone cream to my rashes for quite some time caused water retention in my body, my face and other parts of my body started to swell. I was aware that this condition had something to do with my stress levels, the food I consumed and my lifestyle. As I waited to see another doctor and sat in the waiting room holding back my tears, I knew I had to look into the root cause to get my "old" skin back.

On Halloween I used to joke that I don't need a costume and can come as myself. I think a sense of humor helps get through difficult times in life. Rosacea and eczema on my face, eyes, neck, chest, stomach and arms not only looked awful (you can get used to the look), but the physical pain and burning sensation took over my spirit.

Unfortunately, there is no one recipe that works for everyone. The cause of skin diseases can vary from person to person. In my case it was a combination of high stress levels, overwork and spending way too much time in front of the computer, suppression of emotional feelings and not speaking my truth, a lifestyle that depleted my body including eating foods that didn't have enough life-force energy, which supported my internal inflammation instead of eliminating it. The healing process takes the time it takes but it's so worth it to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

For me it has been a journey of looking inward, and mentally and physically detoxifying my body layer by layer. When I started changing my diet, avoiding certain foods that increase inflammation and instead feeding my body healthy, life-enhancing nutrients, the rashes went away fairly quickly, but it took a while for my irritated skin with bumps and pimples (rosacea) to heal. It was great to see my skin heal and feel the energy in my body and mind increase over time. The fresh and healthy nutrients combined with breathwork, yoga, mindfulness, regular treatments such as lymphatic massage, foot reflexology, Reiki, spending time in nature and being creative have been key to my healthy skin.

The skin is my greatest teacher. It tells me when to slow down, listen to my body and give it what it needs. It also taught me to see people through different eyes. It's easy to judge a person, but at the end of the day we don't know what that person has been through in life.

If you are going through similar emotions, please feel free to share your story with me. 🤍

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